Thank you for your support of Al-Anon Family Groups
Tradition Seven
Every Group ought to be fully self-supporting declining outside contributions.
While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of Al-Anon service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but all service levels remain self-supporting. This keeps Al-Anon free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose of supporting families and friends of alcoholics.
Tradition Seven is Essential as:
- every individual member is a part of the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon Family Groups
- we are not alone
- we are stronger when we work together in our spiritual financial service
- there is abundance available to us
- there is the opportunity to be part of something bigger than the group, district or area.
How are members contributions distributed?
- First the Group expenses are paid
- After group expenses the balance is divided between the Area and GSO.

GSO Revenue:
- Contributions from the three Areas.
- Rental from Cape Area who occupy 20% of the office space.
- Income from the sale of literature.
- National events by GSO.
- Investment income in our ample reserve in keeping with Warranty One, including ample reserve (3 months of operating expenses) is our prudent financial principle.
Memorial Contributions
In line with a decision made at WSO Conference 2016, SA Conference 2017 accepted that:
“Contributions in Memory of Deceased Al-Anon Members may be received as per the following policy: The Al-Anon Family Groups General Service Office of South Africa accepts contributions in memory of deceased Al-Anon members from family who are not Al-Anon members.
The fellowship recognises that accepting such contributions can give comfort to families as described in Tradition Five. The Al-Anon Family Groups South Africa General Service Conference defines family as anyone who has a close relationship of loving care and concern for another. The individual donor defines his or her relationship to the deceased Al-Anon member.
This one-time gift of gratitude is limited to an amount not greater than the rand equivalent of US $500 at the time of the contribution. Memorial contributions by non-members are not solicited.”
GSO Bank Details:
Al-Anon Information Service GSO
ABSA Bank Account No: 407 320 5495
Branch No: 632 005 (N1 City)
Reference: Your name
Make your 7th Tradition contribution via PayFast here
Please note that you can change the system created minimum amount of 5 ZAR to any amount you wish to contribute.